Event Report: Bancakan 2.0 10th Meetup + 2nd Anniversary
As we mentioned in previous articles, the 10th Bancakan 2.0 meetup this time looked different. In addition to the 2nd anniversary, the theme was also different from usual.
On the previous meetups, the theme and speakers at Bancakan 2.0 were majority startup owners and developers. 'StartUp from Investor Perspective'this time brought the speakers include Antonny Liem (CEO of Merah Putih Inc), Andrias Ekoyuono (VP Bussiness Development of Ideosource) and Dito Respati (Central Java Regional Supervisor Corporate Communications & DIY from Telkomsel).In Our previous article reported that a representative of Telkomsel will be filled by Rizky Muhammad, Rizky seemed unable to attend and was replaced by Dito.
The pitch session this time was filled by the three owners of startup from Yogyakarta.They are Dodi Prakoso Wibowo (OrderKaos.com), Afit Husni and Anom Birowo (Jogjasiana.com) and Ardiansyah (BukuTablet.com).
The first is writing ideas in a paper/book. Antonny explained in a few points if you want to have a good idea. The first is a steal, do not copy, brainstorm to make it better, write it down, keep it simple, and perfection is state of mind. After having a mature idea, the next step is to write down some points that should be in your business, the name and brand name, vision, mission, goals and objectives, SWOT analysis, strategic plan, financial plan, measurement and objective.
After the second stage is completed, the next stage is business plan canvas. There are several things to note in this stage, the value preposition, customer segment, advantage, channels, revenue structure, problem, solution, key metrics and cost structure. To learn how to make a business plan canvas, Antonny also advised to access the LeanCanvas.com.
After building a startup stages, Antonny began to explain about what the incubator provides, what is the incubator are looking for, and so on. Incubator provides the infrastructure, service, mentorship, network, and capital. Then the most sought by an incubator is the founder (the attitude, character, way of thinking, etc.), ideas, and product sample/prototype. The most important thing when you meet the investors beside the venture capital, incubators and so on, is your appearance.
Antonny also explained about the level of capital in a startup, i.e no cash, sweet (low capital) -> personal savings -> friends and family (to borrow capital from the people we are close with) -> incubators -> angels and small VC -> Classic VCs -> Corporate VC -> Working bank loans -> IPO.
Andrew also explained, when a startup meets with the investor, they shall prepare the ideal bussiness plan is ideal for presentation to investors.
The ideal Bussiness plan includes: - Executive Summary - Overview of Products and History - Management Team - Market and Competition - Marketing and Sales - Business Process and Organization - Implementation Schedule - Opportunities and Risk - Financial and Exit Strategies
Business plan looks for three things: adoption, addiction, and revenue streams.
Telkomsel invite J2ME local developers to submit their applications in Telkomsel AppZone . Babab also informed the participants, for now Vodacom is building a portal/blog to accommodate local developers to develop.
And the interesting session is the pitch session. Three startups came from Yogyakarta doing "pitching" in Bancakan 2.0 meetup this time. They are h Dedi Prakoso Wibowo founder dari OrderKaos.com, Afit Husni serta Anom Birowo founder dari Jogjasiana.com, dan Ardiansyah founder dari BukuTablet.com. The startup owners get good comments, suggestions or criticism from the speaker (investor). This is a very interesting session for me.
Fachry Bafadal - the initiator of Bancakan 2.0 explained that next pitch session will continue to be presented in every meetup event.
To close this article, from DailySocial, we didn't forget to say 'Happy 2nd anniversary to Bancakan 2.0', we always wait for the new startups from Yogyakarta!
Disclosure: DailySocial incubated by MerahPutih Inc. And I am a Bancakan 2.0 community activist.