1. Startup

GantiBaju’s Badge and Live Ranking Features

GantiBaju.com added new features, announced their official blog on February 28. The new features are Badge and live ranking for designers.

The blog says that Badge, one of users’ favorite features, is now officially available. Several Badges available like Top Designer Badge for the best designer in GantiBaju.com, Most Voted Badge for the most voted designers, and 500 Comments Badge for users who’d given over 500 comments.

When I visited their website, I found another badge for commenting, not for 500 comments but 100 comments. So if you are a member of GantiBaju and have given 100 comments, you are entitled to this badge. Another one is Gaban Pejuang Badge for Gaban who wins national hero theme.

GantiBaju promised there will be more badges to come. They also invites their community to send badge ideas for their consideration.

Another new feature added is Live Ranking, this facility is used to see GantiBaju’s top designers. Visitors and users can see designers ranking real-time, and these ranks are subject to change anytime.

The two features are good additions, me thinks. Especially, when it comes to community relation in GantiBaju (gaban), at least to add interaction factor on their service. Voting is one of the main activity in GantiBaju, and now with badge commenting system, users can be encourage to give as many comment as possible. And my guess is, this Badge system will be integrated with prizes which will be able to add more interaction.

But of course, GantiBaju’s homework is to maintain quality comments, not just for-badge-sake comments from their users. If that happens, users will give whatever comment they like or has no connection with voting process whatsoever.

Like I said many times, community is one of important factors for services like GantiBaju. Several days ago I managed to join their gathering in their Bandung office. The mixture between offline and online meetup is very interesting, especially to maintain the community. At offline meetup I heard of discussion between designers and GantiBaju related to its facility. While online, badge and ranking can add designers’ activity more.

Now we just need to see reactions from GantiBaju’s users and what other innovation will be placed in this Badge feature, from design, game mechanics, or badge type, or taking shirt design as badge design.

And considering competition level is getting hotter everyday in shirts design competition like GantiBaju’s, with Fraiday launched and ongoing service from Kaosku.com, surely it will be interesting to see what each of them will do with their service, both from features addition or member management.

Translated by Nita Sellya