1. Startup

SEAMAC 2014 Awards Winners to Attend GSMA Conference in Barcelona

SEAMAC Asia Pacific Mobile App Challenge is an Asia-level mobile app competition which opens the opportunity for developers in nine Asian countries, including Indonesia, to fight for SG$25,000 cash and a package of accommodation to Barcelona, Spain. This event was initiated by the Applied Innovation Institute (AII), a California-based non-profit institute, and supported by IE Business School, StarHub i3, and J-Seed Venture.

It’s not uncommon to know that mobile technology is something that keeps growing from time to time. Based on this premise, SEAMAC travels nine Asian countries, which are Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan, and The Philippines, to search for three best developers from each country.

Those twenty seven finalists will then compete for SGD $25 thousand and three tickets to Barcelona to join the biggest GSMA (GSM Association) Conference World Finals in March 2015. The conference and Mobile World Congress are the biggest exhibition in the world for mobile segment.

Should you have any interest to join the event, here are a number of requirements that you should fulfill, one of them is that each team has to consist of 2-6 members aged between 18 to 35 y.o. Furthermore, any developer who has collected more than SGD $250 thousand (around Rp2,3 billion) is not allowed to sign up for the competition.

The registration will be closed on December 25 (Singaporean timing). The best three of each country will be announced in January, to be then competed on February 6, 2015 in Singapore.

For further information, visit this link.

[Header Illustration: SEAMAC]