1. English

Twitter Dramas

Twitter is so full of dramas. I have not been paying much attention to the details but I was aware of it. I have been once or twice stuck in a conversation with someone entirely about what happened on 'the timeline' last night. Not that I am being patronizing or anything but I had other things to do last night and missed it.

Why don't we talk about the last Republican Presidential Debate on CNN instead - there was a question to the candidates if America should build an electrified fence along the south border with Mexico. Surely, they would've learned from thousands of history that the walls would eventually be taken down. But that's for another day. Game of Thrones anyone? I pay for HBO exactly because so that I don't have to do much and just flick the remote.

My media consumption pattern change. I used to have twitter on my Blackberry but soon it drained the battery so fast and clogged everything else down, so I removed Twitter and use my Blackberry as it was designed for: a chat device. Twittering was done on the iPad for a while and mostly from the traffic. These days, I'm back to carrying a laptop around (a Macbook Air, my very first Apple computer since the Apple IIc. Yes, iPad is a computer but it doesn't have a keyboard).

I used to have Ubertwitter for client on the BB, then a few others on the iPad, but basically settled on the standard Twitter client. On the PC, I use  Tweetdeck and some other random client. From the iPad I use Flipboard. I never used the iPhone - the earlier 3G battery life was unrealistic, but the iPod touch is my fave toy forever. It also has some random twitter client.

My house runs some 10-15 internet device connected to the internet via 3 cellular based data network, one satellite feed and two fixed line connection. I can twit from the loo if so I wish and I sometime do twit from strange places but I don't do that all the time. I find figuring out which ones of my machines are twittering what and getting all of them in order relaxing but there are times when I prefer to watch HBO.

So yeah, I find twitter relaxing tho. I need to catch up with the latest dramas. I love dramas. Someone fill me in...
