1. Startup

XL Axiata Partners with Microsoft Indonesia to Target SME and Enterprise

Available in four bundling packages of quota and Office365 with prepaid and postpaid options

In maximizing service to SMEs and enterprises, XL Axiata (XL), announces a strategic partnership with Microsoft Indonesia. Kirill Mankovski, XL's Chief Enterprise & SME Officer, said to the media that this partnership is based on XL's commitment in creating service for SMEs and enterprises which currently shows positive growth.

"Not really different with the previous XL's Biz service, the current BIZ offers an affordable price. However, we're now provide bundling products of Microsoft's Office 365," he said.

Officially, the partnership with XL is Microsoft Indonesia's first. Globally, this kind of collaboration is common for Microsoft.

"Basically, we want to support the collaboration era that currently prioritizes internet network and speed. If the business once relied on devices, recently the fast and affordable internet connection become the business choice," Mulia Dewi Karnadi, Microsoft Indonesia's Small Medium Corporate Director, said.

There are four variants of prepaid BIZ package offered to individuals and businesses. Started from BIZ starter for IDR 49,000 to BIZ Infinity for IDR 499,000. In addition to the prepaid payment options, BIZ service can be upgraded into postpaid.

"The product we offer is complete and ideal for business owners which having difficulties in finding the suitable internet plan for the business," Mankovski added.

Provide services to 93% of the population

Allan Bonke, XL Axiata's Chief Commercial Officer, said that XL Axiata has currently provided 93% of the population with total users reaching 52.9 million. The company has 111,000 BTS and 25,000 4G BTS. There are 380 cities/regencies in Indonesia have been covered with 4G / LTE services. XL Axiata claims around 2900 companies are using its services.

"Although Indonesia is dominated by prepaid customers, we're now starting to see changes in postpaid customers which shows positive growth," he concluded.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian