1. Startup

DokterSiaga Releases Chatbot for Easier Searching on Medical Facility

Currently available on Facebook Messenger, coming soon on LINE and Telegram

Innovate and facilitate simple solution are important element for startup. It is acknowledged by DokterSiaga, one of the medtech startup in Indonesia. In early 2018, DokterSiaga introduces chatbot service to help user in getting information regarding hospital or any health facilities.

DokterSiaga chatbot can be accessed through Facebook Messenger platform. DokterSiaga chatbot will also be available on other popular instant messaging platforms such as LINE and Telegram.

"Chatbot is made as natural as possible using NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology to make it sounds as we talked to human. We avoid any certain code or symbol-based responses," DokterSiaga's chatbot developer, Luri Darmawan, explained.

DokterSiaga chatbot will read any keyword, such as "rumah sakit", "RS", and cities or any locations typed by users. Chatbot will then reply with list of hospitals. The information provided consists of hospital names, addresses, and Google Maps location to ease the navigation.

This innovation is actually full of challenges. Beside educating users, chatbot should be able to give complete information faster than any search engines.

The chatbot is also expected to be used by hospitals, clinics, public health centers or doctors who wants to automate and improve patients services.

The chatbot also collects frequently asked questions (FAQs) made by patients, such as "how can I get the disease", "what are the factors that possibly made me experience the disease", and other similar questions. According to DokterSiaga, doctor should focus on the treatment, while education process will be taken over by chatbot.

"The chatbot is expected to provide useful service for public to get information regarding hospital or clinic location easier and faster when in need and nobody is around to be asked or contacted," Fatah Iskandar Akbar, DokterSiaga's Founder, said.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian