1. Startup

E2Pay Prepares m-Bayar App After Acquiring E-Money License from Bank Indonesia

Provide various kind of payments

Bank Indonesia (BI) has recently issued another e-money license, it's for PT E2Pay Global Utama for its product m-Bayar. In the license number, it has been issued since May 22, 2018. However, it's valid for operational per September 2018.

E2Pay was previously known as payment gateway solution developer. Aiming for B2B segment, E2Pay provides an app to be integrated for payment system from many sources, from internet/mobile banking, credit card, e-money, and virtual account. The service might be needed for e-commerce or other apps requiring payment channel.

M-Bayar turns into B2C product of E2Pay, targeting consumers directly. In the form of payment app, m-Bayar has some features, such as mDeals, mBills, mShop, mTransfer, mDonation, mPromo, mEdu, and mServices. Currently, only mDeals and mDonation apps are fully available in the App Store and Google Play.

mDeals is a service for various kinds of vouchers, such as top-up balance, electricity, and many more. On the other hand, mDonation connects customers with the social support organizer.

When you see the kinds of features prepared, m-Pay has the intention to become an all-in-one app for all types of payments. It includes shopping, education, and other bills. It goes along the product mission from many other previous providers which already received and acquired the e-money license.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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