1. Startup

DailySocial Launches Latest Data-Driven Corporate Innovation Platform

A data-driven platform that focuses on digitally unique data sets for digitally unique businesses

We believe that data is not only the key for sustainable growth, but it's also unique for each business. Different businesses tracks different metrics, that produces different data-sets, highlights different numbers that will give birth to different point of views. Therefore, there should be no single-formula for a winning digital transformation strategy.

Based on this premise, DailySocial's digital transformation product team launched our newest platform that emphasizes on this digitally unique platform that turn digitally unique data sets into a digitally unique winning strategy for businesses and corporations.

We call it Data Engineering for Digitally Unique Transformation, or DANGDUT.

This platform will be focusing on the input data to ensure the output will be more optimized for one single company with all its uniqueness. We've been working together with CEOs, CIOs and digital transformation leadership that we call Groups of Digitally Native New Generation (GOYANG).

Today, DANGDUT opens its door for new users, so we're inviting all GOYANG (CEOs, CIOs, and digital transformation leadership) to the platform in a few weeks time. We strongly encourage all digital leaders to join and learn about the new platform, and become the first GOYANG to use DANGDUT.

For learn more about the platform, please email to goyang@dangdut.tech.