1. English

Krazymarket snaps Red Herring 100 Awards

It's a great achievement for Krazymarket, one of the niche e-commerce player in Indonesia focusing on collectibles and hard-to-get items. CEO Philippe Do today announced via Twitter that the company he's leading is one of the Red Herring 100 Asia winners in Shanghai. Krazymarket went to the final 200 stage together with Circumflex Technologies to represent Indonesia, and Krazymarket went all the way to the winner's hot seat.

Krazymarket compete with hundreds of other internet companies from all over Asia, such as Singapore, India, Kazakhstan, Vietnam and more countries. Although Indonesia only have 2 companies got through the top 200, It's still a good achievement for Krazymarket who also the winner of dailysocial's own SparxUp Awards 2010 for the Best eCommerce category.