1. Startup

Kreavi Merged with Fabula, Appointed New CEO

We’ve just received an information stating that talent marketplace Kreavi has just merged with Fabula, a creative agency that specifies in digital illustration. Kreavi’s CEO and Founder Benny Fajarai also confirmed that he’ll no longer be the startup’s CEO. He's been Kreavi's CEO since 2012.

The new appointed CEO will be Mayumi Haryoto, Fabula’s Founder. She herself is considered as one of high profiles in creative industry in Indonesia. She founded Oshika Representatives, one of illustration agencies, in 2013 and changed the brand into Fabula not long after.

Fajarai will still be in the project as the adviser while focusing on his new e-commerce gig, named Qlapa, an e-commerce service which focuses on selling local-made handicrafts.