Surabaya Restaurant Directory:
When we open the web for the first time, we will be greeted by interesting contents that make us curious to explore more on this Surabaya restaurant directory service. Unfortunately, the UI detail on the design is rather untidy developed.
The restaurant directory is quite in numbers. Every restaurant profile on this site provided with information about food, beverage, price range, review, and promo. However, for now the traffic crowd hasn’t seen yet on this site. It can be infer from there is no review from restaurant registered on is a new media for restaurant owner to promote their business on the web with no charge. If you have restaurant in Surabaya, you may register your restaurant to as promotion media.
Based on Facebook Page, this site was released in January 2011. Now, has been developing their mobile app for Blackberry platform and it is still in feature improvisation and not ready yet to launch.
When I visited this web, I found some bugs. For users’ coziness, should manage the bugs. If you find bugs on this website, you can send your feedback here. If you are willing to give comment to, you can comment on this article.