ZDNet Releases Survey on Salary of Indonesian IT Professionals
Fresh IT graduates who have skill in the areas of server and network, earn on average higher salary thantheir peers who have skills in other areas.
That is according to the release of the result of ZDNet Asia on salary survey of IT professionals inIndonesia. ZDNet Asia conducted an online survey on 78 IT professionals in Indonesia during March 2011to March 2012. The survey result was released on Monday on ZDNet Asia’s website.
Of 78 people surveyed, 37 people are working for less than 5 years, 30 people have been workingbetween 5 to 10 years and the remaining 11 has been working for more than 10 years.
The survey acquired the fact that for those who have worked for less than 5 years, the skills on serverand network areas give a higher annual salary than the skills in other areas. Network administrator withless than 5 years experience on average earn a salary of Rp75.588.333 a year followed by applicationdeveloper (Rp66.476.923 a year) and database admin (RP65.800.000 a year). While the lowest are thosewho have skills in operating system who get only Rp13.400.000 a year.
In the first 10 years of working, developing skills to give business and IT solutions will provide manybenefit because according to ZDNet’s survey, the field of IT consultant offers an average salary ofRp153.750.000 a year, the highest compared to other skills for professionals who have more than 10years working experience.
For the management level, IT professionals who work at companies engaged in legal and financial issuesin Indonesia, get the highest average salary. They earn an average of Rp250 million a year, higher thanthose who work in government, or in the companies engages in health and education who earn anaverage salary of Rp215 million a year. IT professionals who work on management level in companiesengaged in IT, web and telecommunications only get Rp170 million a year.
Based on the result of this survey, are you interested to be an employee? Or just a side job before youset up your own startup?
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