Airline Tickets Now Available from Tiket
You can say that just about every Indonesian city with a flight route is listed on Tiket. Aside from that, you can also look up flight schedules for Singapore, Guangzhou, Jeddah, and Riyadh should you plan to travel to those cities. There's no need to login to look up your travel costs but if you plan to book from the site, you'll get more benefits from logging in and it's quicker and easier through your Facebook account if you have one. Schedules and fares are valid until early 2013.
The process is easy. As usual after obtaining an appropriate flight schedule, we need to fill the passenger data as validation. The irritating part of the process is finding out that the cost listed in the search is the cost before taxes and we only know the total price after reaching the Payment section. In fact we know that both of these components include the significant cost increase. It's better if from the beginning the two components were included so that potential passengers would know how much they can expect to shell out prior to filling out the form.
Aside from accepting payment in Rupiah (IDR), Tiket also allows purchases using US Dollar. Customers can gain a slight advantage when using US dollar since the exchange rate used is lower than the market rate