(Updated) Bouncity reaches 16 thousand users, 325 thousand activities completed
In less than 30 days, Bouncity has apparently gained 16 thousand users with more than 500 325 (updated see below) thousand activities completed according to founder and CEO Wenas Agusetiawan. That's just over 31 20 activities per registered user. When averaged over the past month, it's slightly more than 1 0,72 activity per person per day. It also has amassed 75 thousand venues in its database.
If projected, that growth would put Bouncity at 96 thousand users by the end of the year. However, the company is working on making Bouncity available on iPhone and Android by the end of July, though word has it that the iPhone app will be released sooner. With availability in additional platforms, it's reasonable to expect bigger growth compared to the current adoption rate.
Agusetiawan also notes that they are tracking roughly 20% of users from outside of Indonesia including Singapore and the Netherlands. While the app is usable internationally, the company is planning to properly expand Bouncity to the rest of Southeast Asia shortly.
The other new local player in this space is Yotomo which is still in limited beta and has yet to reveal much about its development. Koprol, the country's earliest location-based service had just beta'd its new interface for mobile and desktop and will have a press conference tomorrow morning. DailySocial will be there to ask uncomfortable questions to the team at Yahoo! Indonesia.
Updated: The number of activities given to us by Wenas Agusetiawan was in error, the actual number prior to the publication was around 325,000, not 500,000. We have made the correction and adjusted the article accordingly.