1. Startup

LintasBerita Becomes Lintas.me

LintasBerita, the first Indonesian bookmarking social sites, changed its name to Lintas.me and announced their new features and looks. This rebranding is a part of LintasBerita reposition. However, when this article is written LintasBerita’s website is yet to be directed to Lintas.me. Information on the changes were available on LintasBerita’s Twitter account since yesterday and just announced.

According to William Linaksita, Project Manager and owner of Lintas.me, “we’d like to make sure that LintasBerita.com can continue to develop and able to adapt netizen’s behavior in Indonesia, which reached almost 50 milllion users. He said further, “we are making lots of makeovers and improvements on every stage, from look and feel (layout) to engine technology to meet users requests.”

Lintas.me said the new design, dominated by blue, more modern with much easier navigation, and Channel section is simplified. Other than that, Lintas.me is more socialized because users can login using their Twitter and Facebook account. You can also share interesting information to your timeline. If your writing is posted in Lintas.me you will be notified every time somebody posts a comment. For commentary system, other than using available system, you can use your Facebook account, implemented using Facebook Social Plugin.

Two things I saw as really new features. The First one is Lintas Social where when related to your account, this feature will act as Twitter and Facebook Client. So, if you are authenticated, you can see your timeline just like on Twitter, you can reply and retweet. The second one is Recommended Source, where you can recommend trustworthy sources in every channel.

Unfortunately although they went live already, I still found some bugs even on the front page of Lintas.me. One of the fatal ones is when you click Share button on the left widget several wrong marks will appear. Feedback button, in my opinion, is also not effective if redirected to certain email. Feedback button should be directed to a kind of form so that users can give their feedback.

As for their looks, although the layout is better compared to the old version, I still don’t feel that I really like it overall. For me this is related to users experience (UX) and generally speaking, not many websites in Indonesia have it. I won’t say much on social bookmarking business like Lintas.me or Rockto because my friend Wiku has written about it. What do you think about Lintas.me’s new look and their rebranding step?

Disclosure: DailySocial dan Lintas.me are incubated by Merah Putih Inc.